Sunday 11 September 2011

LEJOG 2011 - Reflections


Total mileage : 984.37
Total climb : 30,245 feet (Everest is 29,001 ft high)
Mph : 13.81 (This was Adam, Alan and Neil were much faster....if so, how come Adam finished first ? -Ed.)



After 1,000 miles on a bike I now have a bum like a Greek statue, sadly I have taken in so many calories along the way that I also have Homer Simpson's paunch - a surprising result perhaps.

That feeling of contrast and surprise sums up our journey, devastatingly beautiful scenery in many parts of the country - and especially the Wye Valley and around Loch Never - sat alongside the absolute worst of motorway Britain, chewed up by traffic and sordid development. Doing 100 miles a day, every day, was tough, but more so mentally than physically as the routine of up at 6.30 and off at 8.00 became an easy habit, whilst the fear of giant trucks and uncaring motorists did not. Two of our party had nasty accidents - unexpectedly caused by the weather and the road surface - a good reason to undertake this trip as part of an organised group with proper back up. However our own little threesome experienced nothing worse than a couple of colds and one puncture.

Today, relaxing over champagne in a Michelin starred restaurant before the flight home, we reflected on our adventure. Perhaps we didn't find the Real Britain in the landscape we hurried through, but rather it was to be discovered in the camaraderie and warmth of our cycling companions and the Discover Adventure crew, each of whom had a story to tell and a reason for making the journey. A heartfelt thank-you to each of them for making the trip worthwhile.


Where to begin?

Perhaps with the fact that I lost my father to cancer about 3 weeks before we left. Never had I felt more in need of time to reflect, to channel my energies in a constructive way and recharge pretty depleted emotional batteries.

I cannot begin to describe how good this trip has been for me. Not only physically but, perhaps more importantly, emotionally. It's not very fashionable or politically correct to go on about one's love for one's country but I'm going to. Britain is a wonderful place. It's a country of contrasts, of great beauty, regular reminders of better times and lost industrial greatness interspersed with areas of timeless comfort and charm. It is full of people who, given the opportunity, show a rare depth of warmth and humour.

And I am privileged to have had opportunity to cycle along every foot of it, in the company of two great friends and a tremendous group of like-minded people.

If anybody is reading our blog and thinking about doing this trip, please do it. You don't need to be young or super-fit (although a bit of training undoubtedly helps). You just need a decent bike, the best pair of cycling trousers you can afford, a plentiful supply of chamois cream and an understanding family who are prepared to allow you to indulge yourself for a couple of weeks. I promise you won't regret it.

Had my Dad lived to see me do this I suspect he would have put it down to a bit of madness on my part. He was a proper countryman, a farmer from birth to death, and he didn't need to get on a bike to appreciate what was around him. However, for those of us who work in offices and live in the modern urban world it's a different story. Go and see it while you can.


This trip happened as a result of a promise, made to me, by my younger self. Twenty years ago I cycled from one end of France to the other, when I found myself unexpectedly between jobs. The trip was recommended by a fellow doctor and cycling enthusiast, who had just completed the journey from Brittany to the Italian border. I travelled from the granite towns of Brittany to the sleepy villas of Provence, making a voyage of self discovery along the way. I promised myself, as I stood on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, that one day I would undertake the same voyage of discovery in my own land and cycle from Land's End to John O'Groats.

The promise stayed latent in the back of my mind through my years as a junior doctor and then as a consultant. Somehow, pressures of work and commitment to family would not allow me to work the idea up into a practical plan. Then came the kick I needed. The elderly bronchoscopy equipment we were using at Nottingham Children's Hospital needed to be replaced and "LEJOG" seemed like an excellent way to raise funds. Angela Horsley, our children's matron, had just done LEJOG with Discover Adventure and recommended we do the same. Adam's practical mind ensured that we were at the start point at the right time and that both ourselves and our bikes could get home from North East Scotland. Neil and Adam worked furiously, fundraising from friends and colleagues in the City, whilst my friends, colleagues and family were gently harassed. The response has been humbling and immensely gratifying. At the time of writing, we have raised £25,565 with more money still coming in. We have already purchased a bronchoscope suitable for young children and feel confident we can buy the final scope we need (for babies and toddlers). We would all like to say an enormous thank you to the many, many people who have contributed to our appeal. If you have enjoyed reading about our experiences and would like to contribute to the appeal, please go to our "Just Giving" page, which will remain open for another few months.

Finally, you might fall into conversation with an enthusiastic cyclist, who suggests you cycle from one end of a country (any country) to the other. If you do, I recommend you take them up on the suggestion (or file for future reference). You may be able to help a charitable appeal which is important to you. You will also discover a great deal about yourself and your country of choice.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to the three of you, and to all your travelling companions as well, and thank you for the excellent blog. The current Mrs Wild & I have enjoyed following progress on your great adventure. Is it Everest next then? I'm not sure you'll get a broadband connection all the way up.
